

NLP Practitioner English

NLP Practitioner English NLP Opleidingen

Are you ready to take the next step? With the NLP Practitioner Training Course, you will improve your personal growth. Many of our participants follow the practitioner training course, because they want: · to communicate better to achieve more · a deeper connection with themselves and others · to discover what they really want in life. · to gain greater insight into themselves and others · to achieve their goals (lose weight, eat healthier, financial independence or whatever) · Simply want to be happier and lead a more relaxed, meaningful and energetic life The NLP Practitioner Training Course will offer you clear insights, techniques and skills to achieve the above and other goals. The training is practical and provides immediate results. UNLP


Are you ready to take the next step? With the NLP Practitioner Training Course, you will improve your personal growth.

Many of our participants follow the practitioner training course, because they want:
· to communicate better to achieve more
· a deeper connection with themselves and others
· to discover what they really want in life.
· to gain greater insight into themselves and others
· to achieve their goals (lose weight, eat healthier, financial independence or whatever)
· Simply want to be happier and lead a more relaxed, meaningful and energetic life

The NLP Practitioner Training Course will offer you clear insights, techniques and skills to achieve the above and other goals. The training is practical and provides immediate results.

Block 1 (day 1 and 2): Personal leadership

In this block you will be introduced to NLP and you will learn how you can use this for yourself and in communication with other. You become familiar with the process of personal change, informal learning and how your thoughts effect your emotions and behaviours.

Block 2 (day 3 and 4): The impact of thoughts

Are you sometimes overwhelmed with worry? Do you regularly experience stress or anxiety or are you nervous? Your thoughts can have an incredible impact if they are good and positive so that they can help you feel calm and confident. Your thoughts become an obstacle when they stop you from being who you want to be, from achieving your goals or from feeling good wherever and whenever you want.

Block 3 (day 5 & 6): Emotional intelligence

In this block you start working with your emotional energy. On the one hand, you learn to neutralise the negative impact of past experiences. The memories remain but the emotional blocks that impact your daily life, disappear. On the other hand, you learn to (re)activate positive thinking in your thoughts, actions and feelings in this block.

Block 4 (day 7 & 8): to break through blockages

This block will be etched in your memory for the rest of your life. There is plenty of attention for discovering and conditioning unprecedented energy, positivity and transformation. Reading about NLP is good, but truly feeling and experiencing transformation and breakthrough are essential.

Block 5 (day 9 & 10): Master of language

We all know the power of language. It makes that the bizarre ideas of dictators are widely accepted. It also makes that a first conversation can turn into a love affair or that you are inspired by someone who knows how to touch your soul. The great thing about language is that a language can be learned.

Block 6 (day 11 & 12): the overall picture

Many people experience that they are confronted with the same problems over and over again despite working intensely on themselves. Life patterns do not emerge by coincidence. They are created, aware but mostly unaware, due to the influence of systems we are part of. Our way of thinking, beliefs and habits, are not just innate, but they also originate from our family.

Block 7 (day 13 & 14): Transformation

This block focuses on working with timelines. A timeline is an (imaginary) line that connects all events in a person’s life in chronological order, like memories from the past, future goals and dreams. You could compare it to a ‘common thread’ or ‘path of life’, running through someone’s past, present and future.

Block 8 (day 15): Integration

De NLP Practitioner training is concluded with a certification weekend. In this weekend you will apply NLP techniques to your fellow participants under the guidance of your NLP trainer(s) and coaches. An evaluation will take place of your skills and personal growth. It is a unique opportunity to refine and update your NLP skills. There is no (central) exam or theory test or the like. 


Prijs € 2.995,00
Totaal € 2.995,00


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